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Frecuent Questions

How many sessions will I need to return to my health?


The healing in each person is variable, there are people that with  just one treatment your condition is solved, while others require more visits. Normally pacients  have no less than a week between visits, each time will be longer, according to clinical response.





Do I need to take out my medication while I'm on this treatment?


The ideal is to remove the pharmacological medication that the patient has, but it is important to go slowly along to the doctor's hand valuing evolution. So is no problem to take  the usual medicines along with this therapy.




What recommendations should I follow after therapy?


It is important to follow your doctor's instructions to achieve better results, including dietary recommendations.

It is also important to keep track of the evolution of symptoms until the day of the next appointment and  give the information to the doctor and achieve properly and locate the source of the health problem.




Do the remedies that the doctor gives me after the consultation can store anywhere?


The remedies should be taken out of hot places, also where you have  electronic equipment or generate electromagnetism (cell phones, computers, routers, etc).





How much time takes the visit?


Each case may be different complexity, since it is not the same as a patient with an acute than other with one or more chronic conditions. Hence the first consultation may take from 1 to 1 and half hours.








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