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Our Philosophy


How did we start?


Thinking about the health in people in a more comprehensive way, we implement in Turrialba area since 2000, various alternative therapies to traditional medicine, where it is mainly treated by drugs. Over the years, we have expanded our range of patients also the metropolitan area.


In addition, we entered the field of Osteoporosis, bringing to Turialba's market, in 2008, the first bone densitometer, with superb technology and trained personnel, allowing the Turrialba population concern in  Osteoporosis to have clinical bone exams without having to travel outside Turrialba .


Following the need for training and expand our medical services, it was necessary to implement other therapies for the human, an integrated entity, we must remember we have our mind, body and spirit, a forgotten in traditional medicine field.


When there is an imbalance in the level of the individual,  we see occurrence of diseases and cause deterioration of our health. Many times our body has the ability to resolve them at the time, but sometimes if the imbalance is  important, it makes  the problem to become chronic.


By offering a "different" therapy,  Dra. Adriana Guerrero Arias, seeks body equilibrium, helping return  "homeostasis" in the body, minimizing the need of medication, reducing  effects adverse, by using them in less quantity.


Dr. Guerrero Arias, everyday implements new techniques to individualize each case and, as some people require a type of therapy and some another,  seeking  "RETURN TO YOUR HEALTH" but always trying to make the most beneficial process for the  patient, thus achieving an improved quality of life.

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